
The Man in the Shack

Hello, everybody! I’m Ben, but the nerdier parts of the internet know me as Manimal (Xbox gamertag…don’t ask). Food has always been a huge part of my life. My grandmother was a cook, my mother was a cook, and I’m an IT guy! Yeah…you read that right. However, regardless of my career, my true passion has always been food. So this crazy journey really started way back when I was a wee lad watching Momma Manimal cook up all that delicious food in the kitchen, and has culminated in me deciding to share my own recipes with strangers on the internet. Why? Because sharing is caring!

Now I know what you’re thinking. “What makes this different than any other recipe blog out there on the interwebz, sir?” Well, the whole idea behind this website is to be a place where I can share these recipes with y’all in the absolute LEAST frustrating way possible. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been trying to find some recipe online to tinker with and have to scroll past 14 pages of text and ads before actually getting to the recipe. It’s infuriating, and honestly I won’t stand for it any longer! So that’s what really gave me the idea to start up the Meat Shack here, and I promise that I will always make sure that this blog stays true to the nature of cooking and doesn’t become some kind of money-grabbing, ad-filled monstrosity. The recipe ingredients and quick instructions will ALWAYS be at the top of each recipe post. IF you feel like reading into how I personally prepare these recipes and perform cooks, I will have a detailed breakdown of everything I feel is necessary to receive the best result. But I will always leave that up to you because I know some of us just don’t have time to read all that crap.

With all of that said, I hope you all enjoy the site and enjoy my recipes. I will be posting weekly and sometimes even more frequent depending on if I’ve made something awesome and want to share it ASAP. So feel free to subscribe for post notifications, leave some comments on the posts if you try the recipe, and check out the Instagram page if you like to do that sort of stuff (

Have fun cooking and thanks for stopping by!
